
Barbara Ester

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago


Barbara Ester

Lesbian Singer & Songwriter Extraordinaire


Concert Saturday August 30

Workshop August 28


    We are sooooo pleased to welcome Barb to our Outlandish Celebration over Labor Day weekend.   Barbara's concert is Saturday August 30 and oh what a connecting, inspiring and entertaining Experience it is.  We will pass the proverbial hat to show our appreciation for Barbara's generous offer to be here with us.
    Barbara is Jae's favorite singer and songwriter ever.  My heavens, what a voice.  Barbara's songs portray the wonder, diversity and multi-faceted experience of our Lesbian lives.  With Barbara's music, we remember and dream, we feel and ponder.  We celebrate ourselves and each other.
    The emotions Barbara evokes run the entire spectrum.  We laugh at our foibles, grin at our escapedes, cry with shared grief, and dance as our rhythms spill forth.  
    Plus, Barb is facilitating an incredible Creativity Workshop on Thursday August 28 as well.  Isn't that grand!
Thank you Barb for being with us as we close and celebrate our incredible 2008 Outlandish Adobe & Workshop Season and celebrate the beginning of Outland's 20th year. 
Barbara Ester Workshop
Explore Your Creative Muse with Voice & Song
Thursday August 28
    Barbara will guide us in this marvelous 3-hour workshop.  This is a great opportunity for every one of us,  no matter how much or little we sing or write, to explore and have fun as we set our creative muses free. 
        Come prepared to gently warm up your body, share your ideas and blend your voice with others.  Stretch, tone, imporvise and create your own song or chant, as the spirit moves YOU. 
        Alas, many of us feel tentative or embarrassed about our voices.  Not here!  No matter what we each think of our voices or how comfortable with improvising, this is the space where every voice and every one of us is perfect just as we are and where our sounds and rhythms blend together creating music, celebration and connection.

        Bring a percussion or other instrument if you'd like and we will also provide several.


Barbara Ester Music & Massage
Yes, indeed, Massage
    Barb is a Licensed Massage Therapist with great intuition and hands.  She is available August 28 through September 1 for massages.  What an opportunity.  You'll make appointments and payment arrangements directly with her.
Plus, Barb will bring a supply of her wondrous Lesbian-affirming CDs.  These CDs are musts for every music library.  Indeed!

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