

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

Darcy Brazen


Design & Install Your Cabin Plumbing

Friday to Sunday August 1-3




My Oh My What An Opportunity to Address Your Water Basics


    Plumber Darcy Brazen starts our Plumbing & Projects Intensive with a hands-on How To Plumb Your House Weekend Exploration.  Learn all the basics you need to plan and install basic water in and water out in your cabin. 

    We continue into the week with Jae actually building compost toilets, ala Outlandish design. 

    Jae will also walk us through actually installing a roof water collection system as used at Outland.


    Darcy is a longtime friend of Jae and Outland and has helped with a range of our plumbing challenges.  Smile.  She is an Industrial Plumber at the University of New Mexico.  We are so lucky to have her join us to really look at and show us how to plan and install basic cabin plumbing.  Most of us rather like our water both coming in and going out, which can be a simle process just by using some basic plumbing principles.

   We provide parts and materials so you can hands-on connect pipe and install fittings-- measure, cut, smooth, prime & glue. If you have disposable gloves, please bring 2 pairs.


    A small materials donation is helpful but not expected.

    This is a unique opportunity for any of us who do not already know how to plumb our houses.  We sure do hope you can join us!




Dear Wimmin:

    I'm a 47 year-old industrial repair plumber with an emphasis on backflow prevention.  I'm english-canadian, raised in small town northwestern Michigan, of middle-class and working-class origins. I'm an occasional hiker and poet and am part of two ongoing groups: Women Kicking Racism and

Albuqerque Copwatch. 

    I want very much to be constructing housing for lesbians and women and also be part of a force that counteracts gentrification in our city.




  • Review the basics of water supply, drain, waste and vent systems and identify sources of cross-connection.
  • Design a basic plumbing system for your cabin
  • Lay water lines, assemble & glue  pipe as well as adaptors & connectors
  • Install outdoor faucets / hydrants
  • Install sink and tub 
  • Address your questions

    Please bring cotton or leather gloves, heavy pants and sturdy shoes.  And, those disposable gloves.



    I'd be delighted to chat with women regarding plumbing problems while working and carousing at Outland. Contact me at



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