This page is current April 2, 2010
I am still working on the site.
Programs to Benefit & Expand Possibilities for Women
also sponsored by Estrogenerations, Inc
Woman, Earth & Spirit, Inc
Our 501-c-3 Nonprofit Corporation
Hi and Welcome!
I have settled on the dates for our 2010 summer activities. It would be so wonderful if you could join us. If you can come in May and June to help prepare, it would be so great! Ahhhh. I smile thinking of sharing this incredible land and inspiring experience with you.
I have no idea yet how many women will be here at any given time. Could be as few as 3 or as many as 15. Some women are coming for extended stays to immerse in this land and to help make the Workshops and activities possible.
Women Build Our Own Houses
Adobe, Frame and Post & Beam
Friday to following Saturday
8 nights / 9 days of fun, inspiration and connection
June 18 - 26
July 9 -17
August 6 -14
Our Workshops are a total experience. We focus on Learning, Expansion, Inspiration, Connection and Fun. Instruction, hands-on building, other great women, marvelous meals, play and so much more.
We are working with adobe, post and beam as well as frame construction so you can experience a range of building options. We include the range of constructions steps: site selection and preparation, foundation, floor, walls, doors and windows, electric and water, and roof.
Your specific building experiences depend on where we are on our Projects when you are here. Our schedule also addresses your needs. We want to focus on what is important to you and to do all we do in ways fitting to your physical abilities.
Specific Projects
o Post & Beam Shed. Siting and setting posts, building roof and floor, walls and sheathing
o Frame Addition to Bluebird. Completing a large frame addition to one of our round adobe casitas— interior and exterior sheathing, insulation, wiring, doors and windows, floor, adobe plaster
o Adobe plaster and rock work
o Roofs and deck on WindSong, the poured/puddled adobe cabin we built during previous Workshops. Add room, sun roofs, finishing details, adobe plaster
Participants come from all over the US and Canada. We range in age from 30ies to 70ies. We are able bodied and have a range of disabilities. In these workshops we experience that everyone can build, truly.
During instruction and extensive hands-on building, we focus on basic construction principles and values, tool use, safety and cooperation. We build in ways women would choose to make the work easy on our bodies. There will be time for your specific questions. All this practical experience is helpful to imagine our own structures, the house that will nourish us and meet our needs.
Yet, I think the most important gift of these Workshops is expanding ourSelves, on many levels.
When we have self-confidence and confidence in Self, we can envision and probably do anything.
To nourish this full Self, we not only focus on construction, but we also provide ample opportunity for Connection— with Self, Earth, others and Spirit. In Connection we move beyond simple belief into Trust. We get Big, Expand. We Listen. We create and heal.
This Connection, glimpsing and understanding what is possible, is the true heart of our Workshops. Part of our Exploration is gaining a fuller clarity about what our needs and desires really are. A fuller understanding of why we are in this life, what our role is to make a difference in the world in this cycle of our lives. What I call our LifeWork.
Our homes, like our lives, reflect our Understanding and our values.
It is the blend of experience that makes these Workshops so unique and life-changing.
Our daily rhythm reflects your needs as Participants. In general the first Friday is a check-in and hang out day. Our opening circle and first building day is Saturday with workshop building days Sunday and Monday and then again Wednesday through the last Friday closing circle. If 6 instruction and hands-on days feels too much, we will do 5. Expect about a 7-hour day which includes morning check-in and construction tips, breaks and a picnic lunch. Food is always available at the site. Again, timing and tasks are adjusted to your physical ability level.
Together we prepare our meals and decide on other activities. Back to that philosophy of a nourishing blend of learning, working together, preparing meals, play and plenty of opportunity to connect with Others, Self, Earth and Spirit. Smile
For our meals there are always vegan and vegetarian options and we occasionally include beef or fowl. We do all we can to address your specific dietary needs. As much as possible, all food is organic. We avoid alcohol.
We share rooms or stay in tents or lofts. Additional sleeping is available in the Gathering Areas of the Main House. Private Studios that sleep 1-2 are available for an extra donation (say, $25 per night).
Please do not bring scented products, weapons, alcohol or illegal drugs.
Healing & Creativity
It is my sense that Connection is at the core of Healing and Wholeness. Here at Outland we practice appreciating and celebrating ourselves and each other. This is more than acceptance, it is cherishing.
We are Whole, intrinsically. Sometimes we forget or are out of harmony. We find that often our sense of Wholeness is a byproduct of Connection-- whether with Self, others, Earth or Spirit. As is creative expression.
We can focus on our self-healing, utilize a wide range of healing books and audio / visual materials, or work with each other.
You may also choose to work with Karin (Dr Karin Schaufele) to assist you with your Healing Journey. She lives here at Outland and is an incredibly skilled and gifted Healer in Eastern, Western, Alternative and Energetic modalities as well as Ritual. She is a Doctor or Oriental Medicine, Naturopathic Doctor, Homeopath and practiced as an RN in critical care units in Germany for 16 years. I particularly value her Intuition.
Workshop Contribution
Your contribution covers all instruction and materials, workshop sessions, food, lodging, activities and access to our facilities and incredible land.
We are a tiny nonprofit and depend on Guest House and Workshop income to support this wondrous land and to make it possible for more women to be here. Yet it is most important to us that you are able to be here, so we ask that you simply contribute as generously as your resources allow.
We hope you can come for the entire 9 days, but if you cannot we will try to adjust to your schedule. It’s most important that you be here the first days of any Workshop. With arrangement, you can also stay longer. Talk to me, Jae, about possibilities.
In general, figure contribution as about $375-$875 per 9-day session. $75 per night, more or less. Figure about $100-150 per night for a private Studio. There are no additional fees or taxes. If you can afford more, it's ever so helpful. If this is too much, don't let money prevent your coming. Talk with me and contribute what you are able.
A reservation deposit of $200 or more is greatly helpful. Check to Judy Nelson or credit card through your Paypal account (quite easy to set up) to (may show as Nelson Nook).
When you know your ideal dates, we’ll try to coordinate with everyone coming to transport you to and from the land. We are just over an hour from Santa Fe off I-25 on the way to Las Vegas, NM. A contribution towards gas will be appreciated.
Lesbians Build Community
As We Build & Rebuild Outland Gathering
Saturday July 18 - Friday August 6
We are hosting a Gathering of Lesbians between the July and August Building Workshops. During this time we prioritize experiences to Connect and tasks to help Outland. Our task days are shorter and along with the building projects outlined above, we do a range of tasks the land and buildings so very much need. There is no formal planned instruction and no workshop charges.
Several wimmin familiar to Maize readers have already confirmed their participation.
Come for as short or long as your schedule allows. We will try to coordinate transport to and from the land to minimize trips. Most transport is probably Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Other times can be arranged. Gas donation helpful.
For this time when you are volunteering to help with Land tasks, we ask that you simply contribute what you are able to help cover our expenses-- some wimmin can contribute little financially, others contribute around $20 per night, and some donate several hundred dollars per week. Whatever you can offer is most helpful.
I have sent you a separate email with details of this wondrous land. If you did not receive, do let me know.
Health & Wellness Workshop with Dr Karin Schaufele
Practical Women’s Health
with Applied Basic Traditional Chinese Medicine
Friday August 27 – Tuesday August 31
Friday to Tuesday
4 nights / 5 days of exploration, inspiration and connection
This incredible workshop is the first in a series of TCM and other Women’s Health/ Wholeness workshops we will offer in 2010-11.
Karin is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and an incredibly gifted Healer experienced in Western, Eastern, Alternative, Energetic and Ritual modalities. She is also a Naturopathic Doctor, a Homeopath and practiced as an RN in critical care units in Germany for 16 years. She has such a wonderful way of sharing her breadth of knowledge so it is accessible and understandable.
This is a practical workshop experience, not lectures. Bring your questions and concerns. Wholeness diet principles and ingredients will be included in some evening meals.
Check-in on Friday. Workshop sessions Saturday and Sunday-- half day to allow plenty of time for digesting and integrating and practicing what you have experienced. Monday is an unscheduled day for you to enjoy this incredible land and each other. Tuesday is check-out.
You may also choose private appointments with Karin around the workshop sessions. These private appointments are not included in your Workshop contribution. Karin’s usual rate is $50 per half hour.
Your TCM Workshop contribution includes everything-- your instruction and materials, workshop practical sessions, food, lodging, activities and access to our facilities and incredible land.
We have not finalized the cost, but figure in the neighborhood of $100-150 per night depending on your sleeping arrangements.
There will be a minimum and maximum enrollment for this workshop.
I really hope you’ll be able to join us for as long as your schedule allows. If you have any questions or want to chat, do call. Again, do not let money prevent your participation. If you are in a position to make a donation, Woman, Earth and Spirit, Inc is our tax-deductible 501-c-3.
If you confirm I will add you to our Participant email list so you can also contact each other and begin the circle of connection.
Meantime, I’d appreciate your letting me know your tentative plans and what your ideal might be. Tell me, and all of us, more about yourself. Let’s start building our Connection now. More smiles.
All our sessions
provide a unique opportunity
Participants find
life-changing, transforming and inspiring.
I look forward to sharing
this land and experience with you.
Looking forward to further Connections!
I invite you to brouse the pages
of our our Workshop home.
I'm still working on other pages.
I do invite you to visit us
at our marvelous 1000-acre New Mexico
high desert wildlife refuge
to regenerate, create and heal.
Savor the tranquility
of our beautiful woman-built adobe Guest Houses.
I'd love to share this incredible land with you!
~ smiles, Jae ~

Mi Casa, woman-built adobe Guest House
Mark your calendars to reserve your perfect weeks.
2010 Workshop Sessions
Fridays to the following Saturdays ~ 8 nights / 9 days
1. Friday June 18 - Saturday June 26
2. Friday July 9 - Saturday July 17
3. Friday August 13 - Saturday August 21
4. Practicing Basic Traditional Chinese Medicine
Friday Aug 27-Tuesday 31 ~ 4 nights / 5 days
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