

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Wood Cabin, Home Repair,

Adobe Building,

 Plaster, Projects, Construction Principles

Weeks, Intensives & Explorations




Week 1  April 4-11

Build Your Wood Cabin & Construction Principles Intensive


Weeks 2-4  April 11- May 2

 Build Your Wood Cabin & Home Repair Intensives


    Wow, we are indeed building from beginning to end a cabin that will then house Workshop participants for the summer. Post & Beam structure with walls, doors, windows, sheathing, floor, compost toilet, sink, & all those homey necessities for an enclosed 3-season living space.

About week 3, we plan to begin framing for a second cabin as well.



Weeks 1A April 7-8;  5A May 2-4;  9A May 30-June 1;  13A June 27-29;  17A July 25-27

 Construction Principles Exploration


    Come for a more in-depth overview of all the steps and phases of building your structure: site, plumb & square, foundation, frame, roof, sheathing, insulation, doors & windows, water & electric, etc.

    You also receive a dandy basic tool kit & Jae's Women Build Our Own Houses notebook. 

    There is ample time for questions and we have a wide selection of resource materials for you to browse.





Adobe Building Weeks 5-6, 8-11,13,15-17

Check 21-Week Overview for dates


     Week 5 we begin from the proverbial beginning at the site with plumb & square, place posts & build roof, frame and pour concrete footings. We move on to frame and pour the adobe mix for walls & apply layers of plaster; frame & install; doors & windows; build interior walls install electric & plumbing; build compost toilets and counters;  seal & trim and all the other steps needed to finish our cabin.

    We plan to start additional cabins in both June and July so as the season progresses there is an ever-expanding range of in-progress construction steps for you to see and participate in. 




Week 16 & 16A  July 18-25

 Adobe Floor & Plaster Intensive and Exploration


      Oh yum, an entire week with our hands in the mud as we frame and pour an adobe floor in one of our cabins during the Weekend Exploration. Then onto mixing and applying traditional clay plaster, both interior and exterior.


 Week 18 August 1-8

Projects Intensive


    I'm looking forward to this diverse week where we build a range of cabin basics-- compost toilet, water collection barrels, & counters.

     We most likely begin with a Weekend Exploration on Basic Home Plumbing so we can install a sink and maybe a tub as one of our Projects.



Weeks 20-21 August 15-29

Construction Wrap-up


    Well, gals, these are actually scheduled as Creativity and Wholeness / Healing Weeks and fantastic weeks they are. Yet, there is building a'calling us too.

     So Some of us are hanging out at the building sites when there is time plugging away at that doubtless spectrum of  finishing work on our 3 adobe cabins. You are welcome to join in the fun.




Jae Haggard

    I've been building houses and other buildings on Womyn's land since 1974.  Hard to believe it's been that many years and that those structures range from Minnesota to Alabama to here at home at Outland in New Mexico, as well as other states in between.  I've built frame, cordwood, post & beam and adobe.


 When building I focus on nontoxic, green,

anyone-can-build-and-maintain, affordable & accessible.


    Was I an experienced carpenter? No way. My then-partner and I started building our own house because it was the only way we could afford to have one. Between us all we had ever built was a bookcase.  Neither of us had any experience with either power or hand tools. Building principles? What are they? We had no idea. True story.

    Now, I know enough about building to glimpse how much I don't know. It's those I-don't-knows that can stop a gal. But, I persevere. If something doesn't turn out as needed or expected, well there are most always a lot of ways to change or fix it. Besides, as the guy who taught me how to pour concrete said repeatedly, 'It's not a piano.'

    Also, I find that there are often as many 'right' ways to do something as there are women. Males often mystify information, do things in ways that require brute strength or pushing on, insist on 'right' ways. Well, we women have a whole 'nother way of moving in the world and of building.


    I know that if I could start from point zero, most women can. I know you can go home and build.

Even after a one-week workshop and obviously moreso if you can stay longer, you too can return home and start your construction project. So, let's explore possibilities and unfold this adventure together.

    I love building and I believe if we have the confidence we can do most anything. Add a few principles and skills and we are on our way. If we know we can provide our shelter and our food, we also know and trust that we can ourselves and with others move through most any situation that presents itself.

    Pretty core I would say.

    So, in the range of Construction Weeks we learn basic principles, skills and tools use. As, or more, important, we participate in a range of activities that nourish Connection-- with Self, Earth, others and Spirit.  In Connection we also find Wholeness / Healing and Creativity / Expression too are almost inevitable.

It's all one lovely package ~ learning, connection, healing, creativity.


 We find self-confidence and confidence in Self.

I invite you to join me and a lot of other amazing wimmin

as we build cabins, connections and lives.





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